Dear Friends,
I am happy to report that the issue I have addressed as the center of my campaign has now achieved a national success, the fight against Fentanyl. The fight has taken a huge step forward with the Bi-partisan passing of the “ Halt Fentanyl Act”, which I alone have championed in all forums and statements for Oakland Mayor. No other candidate running for Mayor has even raised the fight against Fentanyl, drugs, and the Drug Cartels. What planet are these candidates living on? They seem oblivious to what is behind every problem in Oakland, DRUGS and FENTANYL!
Let us all stand together! Oakland needs me for Mayor, vote early for Mindy. The mail in ballots are starting to arrive. We can shock the nation and world, with strong support for my Mayoral campaign.
Let us work together, join my campaign. The choice is not between Barbara Lee and Loren Taylor. Make a difference to really solve Oaklands problems. I will reach to President Trump and the DOGE. We need their help in Oakland.
VOTE Mindy Today, make sure your friends vote for Mindy!
Donate to Mindy Today!
Volunteer to Mindy’s Campaign Today!
- Are you tired of walking around Oakland and wondering if you have entered the "Dark Ages?"
- Are you tired of seeing your fellow human beings barely able to walk straight and muttering to themselves while throwing their arms up and "talking" at some invisible person they appear to be talking to who is nowhere in sight?
- Are you tired of seeing homeless people lying in the streets and piles of trash next to rows and rows of beat up vehicles and trailers?
We have a chance to do something that no one thinks is possible. The unique special election for Oakland Mayor on April 15, 2025 after the first time ever recall of a Democrat Mayor by a heavily Democrat electorate gives us a unique chance to crush the liberal Woke Democrats in one of their strongest home bases and would be a "shot heard round the nation and the world". In addition, I was also one of the key activists via the California MAGA Project which helped to create through two years of organizing a huge increase in support for President Trump in the inner cities and in the whole state of California. No other candidate running is Mayor is qualified to solve the multiple problems facing Oakland and is more than ready to work directly with President Trump to make Oakland Great Again .
Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland Mayor 2025

- President Trump declared a state of Federal Emergency and will waive permit time, so residents can start immediately clearing their lots and rebuilding
- President Trump insisted that City and State officials immediately do the same
- When LA Mayor Karen Bass waffled on the timing, President Trump told her she has the same emergency power that he has.
- President Trump declared he would override the Coastal Commission and their antics.
- President Trump ordered the water to start flowing.
- President Trump put forth the idea of giving residents who lost their homes 10-15% Bonuses to rebuild even bigger and better homes than they lost..
- President Trump called for "Good State Government" to fix it themselves, rather than the useless FEMA, which Congressman Brad Sherman was defending.
- President Trump declared the residents must be able to get to work on their lots within 24 hours, not a week as Karen Bass was saying and not the 18 months it takes to get a state permit.
For Immediate Release ,Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland Mayor 2025
January 22, 2025
President Donald J.Trump Cares About California!
On Friday, January 24, 2025 President Donald J. Trump will visit the horrible and devastating fires in the Los Angeles Area of California. Unlike his predecessor, former President Joe Biden and former President of Vice, Kamala Harris, who did not bother to come to California as the fires began and raged out of control, I welcome Trump's trip to California .
President Donald J. Trump warned Governor Newscum at the time of the Paradise Fires that major changes were needed to prevent these disasters. Did Newscum listen, NO!
INSTEAD, Newcum and others made no new improvements in water management, no brush control and MADE CUTS in fire departments and other necessary equipment. In fact, Newscum lied about the brush management he claimed was done!
I welcome President Donald J. Trump to California, especially I welcome him to Oakland. We have much to discuss and much to do. I call on all leaders and citizens of Oakland and everyone who wants to rebuild our great state and enjoy the great freedoms of living in a productive sovereign nation to join me in this invitation.
As the preamble of our U.S. Constitution says:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.".
This is why I am running to become Oakland's Mayor. It is time to put aside party questions and ideologies. If Oakland is going to become safe and productive again, we need to return to the principles and policies that founded both our great nation and California. Otherwise, hold yourself accountable for the further destruction of our Oakland. I am running not for myself, I am running for you and our future children.
Mindy Pechenuk, Candidate for Oakland Mayor 2025
January 20, 2025
Fires In Los Angeles, Fires In Oakland! A Lesson Not Learned!
Stop Sacrificing Oaklanders on the altar of the budget!
There is something to be said for not learning a lesson. In 1961, there was the tragic Bel Air fire which was declared the "most destructive fire" in California. In January 2025 we are experiencing the tragedy of the Southern California wildfires again. This is the sign of insanity and deliberate neglect by our political leaders over decades.
This must stop, if we can put men on the moon and rockets in space, we have the knowledge and technology to create fire safe homes, develop great water projects, remove brush, and more.
To the point. The recent decision by the Oakland City Council and former Mayor, to close two Oakland Hill fire stations, number 25 and 28. If those stations were open, response time would be "four minutes or less" according to Seth Olyer, firefighters union chief.
Not the case, on Thursday, Jan. 16th, when it took 10 minutes for fire trucks from another area to arrive. By then the house was in flames. If there had been bad winds, this would have turned into another tragic situation. https://www.kqed.org/news/12022420/when-an-oakland-hills-home-caught-fire-near-closed-station-the-response-was-slow
In February, four more fire stations are slated to be closed, due to budget cuts.
You have a chance to stop this continued disregard for the lives of all Oaklanders. I am running to be your Mayor. People come first! Go to my website to find my solutions www.electmindy.com
Contact for more information: Gerald Pechenuk, cities12345678@gmail.com
It is outrageous that the Oakland City Council closed two Oakland fire stations in order to balance the budget. In my book this is putting our citizens in danger and many could die. Do these council members want the death of Oaklanders on their hands?
I say no more gambling with our fellow Oaklanders lives!
Barabara Lee helped to destroy Oakland, look at our streets with trash, homelessness, prostitution.
2 Oakland fire stations closing to help balance city's $129 million budget deficit
OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- As Oakland faces a crippling $129 million budget deficit, two firehouses are set to close next week to help close the gap and that could mean slower response times for some residents.
"There are no fire houses that we can afford to close. We need every firehouse we have and then some," said Oakland Fire Station 28 responded to 405 of those and fire station 25 responded to 834 calls. These are the two firehouses set to close
Fire Chief Damon Covington.
Covington said data led them to these stations, which are among the least busy.
According to the last published fire response report, Oakland firefighters responded to more than 54,000 calls in 2023.
FPPC # 14777156
Press Release, December 25, 2025
A Great Vision For Oakland's Future!
The Door Will Be Open to Every Single Oakland Citizen!
It is time for Oakland to make a major leap forward into the 21st century.
The Days of Pay to Play Are Done!
NO MORE BACK DOOR WHEELING AND DEALING! This is not a partisan issue, this is a time to "bring the citizens in" so we can unite the city around a new leadership which is not part of the decades long corrupted and dysfunctional leaders. I welcome each and every Oakland Citizen to bring ideas forward and meet with me personally at City Hall to have that discussion.
As our great President Abraham Lincoln said and did even as the US was in a Civil War:
"I feel—though the tax on my time is heavy—that no hours of my day are
better employed than those which thus bring me again within the direct contact and atmosphere of the average of our whole people."
Today, as we celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah and a New Year, I want to share with you my vision for Oakland, which is to leap to the future and not pay back to the past.
The people of Oakland come first, this means wiping out the debt burden on the backs of every person in Oakland. Every religion, Christian, Jewish and Muslim calls for a jubilee against the debt. As your Mayor, I will work to clean out the bloated debts by a financial reorganization and eliminating useless, wasteful and divisive NGOs and other such projects.
The working people, small and medium business owners need the backup of the "Office of Mayor". Yes, this means stopping the horrendous rate of crime. I will increase the number of police officers, and work closely with them on tools and projects they need. As well as working with the City Council to change the ordinances which are preventing our police from doing their duty. The oversight commissions have outlived their usefulness. We need to undo the damage done in recent years, including the latest budget cuts that shut down the police academies and fire stations.
I will go one step further-my vision is to make the Port of Oakland once again a great PORT OF EXPORT. This requires working with other Bay cities and Northern California. Image the Port of Oakland shipping agricultural products, manufacturing and industrial goods . How many new jobs would this create for Oaklanders?
Oakland could work with other cities to produce cheap quantities of natural gas and nuclear plants. At the same time we could bring some of these industries into Oakland.
No more drugs, prostitution and homelessness on our streets.
Join my campaign for Oakland Mayor 2025!
Have your voice, come and talk, you will be heard!
For more information contact: Gerald Pechenuk, cities12345678@gmail.com
FPPC# 1477156
Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland Mayor 2025
December 26, 2024
I fully endorse this statement written by Hunter Cobb.
Time To Bring Down Oakland’s Energy Costs!
Over the past fifteen years, the electricity bill for the average Oaklander has more than doubled. While Oakland prides itself for pioneering avant-garde green technologies such as electric and hydrogen trucks at the Port, the typical working citizen is struggling to pay the bills. Even worse, our older residents remember when Oakland was a bustling industrial city, with canneries, auto plants, and associated machine shops, etc. High school grads could get good-paying jobs in factories and plan on having families. For today’s youngster’s that’s all ancient history. Their reality is an Oakland of people struggling to survive amidst drugs and crime and poverty, and a political elite that seems more concerned about greenhouse gases than how people can make a living.
Right now, as our electricity prices are zooming, PG&E is spending billions building battery storage facilities here in Oakland, in Monterey and other parts of the state, because solar and wind are intermittent and need backup power that is reliable. The green agenda crowd plans to expand this massively over the next decade. What a waste! Consider one case. The Oakland Power Plant owned by Vistra Corp. was a 165 MW plant powered by jet fuel. It was shut down and is being replaced by Lithium-Ion batteries with a capacity of 36 MW. Is this a good trade? We need to grow our economy, not shrink it! And are lithium batteries really that good for the environment?
Instead of pioneering expensive hydrogen fuel cell trucks at the port, why didn’t the city planners do something really forward-looking and build the country’s first urban small modular nuclear reactor on the Power Plant site? This is a technology that is really taking off. Plus, Oakland should not just be building one plant for use here. It could become a major manufacturing center for mass producing them! Both for domestic use and for export. Aalo Atomics in Austin, TX is already building a factory to do exactly that. This kind of industry would make the world take notice and would create the kind of skilled employment that could help reverse the decay we see in Oakland today.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Mayor of Oakland 2025, member of Alameda Republican Party Central Committee, Delegate to CA GOP State Convention 2022-2026m Co-Founder California MAGA Project
It is time to take on Oakland Experts!
How Stupid do "These "Experts" Think We are?
As your Mayor, and with your support I will fight the insane Oakland City Council BUDGET CUTS AND THE Ordinances that prohibit our Oakland Police from pursuing criminals who are destroying our small and medium businesses.
Mindy Pechenuk: “It time to stop all the chatter that the problem of the Oakland budget is the Overtime of the Oakland Police"
"My track record on these questions is solid gold"
As one of the first announced candidates for Oakland Mayor, and as the only announced candidate who actively and publicly supported the Recall of Sheng Thao and Soros D.A. Pamela Price, I can assure everyone that the voters of Oakland will in no way, shape or form go along with the budget cuts in the police department as implicitly/explicitly proposed by Oakland Budget Administrator Bradley Johnson at a late November City Council meeting.
The voters called for GREATER POLICE DEPLOYMENT AND PROTECTION AGAINST CRIMES OF ALL SORTS. As far as Johnson or anyone else's comments calling for budget cuts against police and fire protection, all I can ask is " Whose interests are Johnson and his gang paying homage to"? It is not the needs of the people of Oakland.
I agree 100% with Sergeant Huy Nguyen, President of Oakland Police Officers Association correctly observed, "An UNDERSTAFFED police department and the demand for service is the biggest driver of overtime"
I am calling on my fellow Oaklanders to join me and state unequivocally:
“It time to stop all the chatter that the problem of the Oakland budget is the Overtime of the Oakland Police"
"The real problem has been the systemic mismanagement of Oakland over many decades. If we do not face this, the problem will never be solved"
Oakland, like many cities in the 1990's, bought into the Wall Street speculative schemes, instead of building industrial, manufacturing and other productive activities. Over many decades activities compounded with other bad decisions, like Sheng Thao mismanagement of letting go Oakland sports teams, and the city council's insane ordinances restricting our police department to spending hours in reports, and not allowing them to do their job.
Do the math! When you constantly cut your police, fewer officers have to do more. This means overtime and more crime. If we increase our police force, with qualified officers, remove the ordinances and the oversight. We will have a safe and productive city. Also, simply raising taxes will not fix the problem, but make it worse.
So, let us clear the air and look at the real solutions!
Time to get back to what works, having real jobs, industry, small and medium business. You need to have real growth to make your city vibrant and a life for everyone.
One more thing, time to realize we will have a real President in the White House, Donald J. Trump. With President Trump we have a friend who will federally help Oakland.
Your choice either go bankrupt with the bond holders and the courts running Oakland or go with my campaign and solutions for Oakland's next Mayor.
In simple terms, more destruction, inflation and crime or a healthy future for all and our children.
For more information: Gerald Pechenuk, cities12345678@gmail.com
FPPC # 1477156