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Bring Oakland out of the Dark Ages and into the Space Age!

Press Release from the desk of Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large
October 21, 2024
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Let us bring Oakland  out of the Dark Age and into the Space Age!
Who will be Oaklands next Elon Musk?
No More Free Lunches For Wall Street!
Only a great vision for Oakland will solve our problems. For too long the political leadership has driven Oakland into the dark ages of hell, with drugs, homelessness, crime and the shut down of industry, small and medium businesses.

My plan to bring the future of new technology and manufacturing to Oakland starts with an OAKLAND NEW INVESTMENT BANK!

How would this work:

1. $100 million investment in non-profit. This will include contributions from the City of Oakland, individuals, Oakland companies and businesses to launch a venture into the future
2. This investment will allow Oakland to become  self-sustaining through profitable investment.
3 Backing this bank would be an  Investment Board of accomplished visionaries.
4. Invest $5-20 Million in new companies that  would be located  in Oakland. They would take 20% equity.
5. City and business provide support.
6. There are many creative and talented individuals who would jump at the opportunity to be welcomed on board this exciting approach for the future 

Parallel with and simultaneously with  this project is taking apart the insane Oakland budget. This means taking out the Wall Street speculative debt which is killing us, as well as the money flowing out to the many useless NGO's and Green sustainable projects. 

I will provide what is needed to the police to do their job and clean out the drug cartels and their presence on our streets.

Vote Mindy Ruth Pechenuk, for Oakland City Council at Large
Vote Donald J. Trump, for President. We need a Federal Government that will work with us!

Contact Gerald Pechenuk for more information at
FPPC# 1469153
ADDENDUM: Our great United States Constitution Preamble is clear as how to govern, whether it is the nation, state or city:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Today it is so important to remember what our founding fathers created as the true basis for our nation under God.

These are the principles to guide our policies not Wall Street, the international Fondi, and Central Bankers. Every great leader and President, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley FDR, Jack Kennedy, and Donald J. Trump. This is not a Democrat, Republican or any party question.

As our Pledge of Allegiance says very clearly: " We are one nation under God, indivisible for Liberty and Justice for ALL".

Oakland was and is systematically being destroyed by the past and current Political Class of leaders in Oakland and California. They have removed our growth in skilled and productive new industries and have replaced them with all types of drugs controlling our city, death, garbage, crime and a rotten education system. There is no excuse for this.

That is why I am running for Oakland City Council At Large. I will be there for the entire city.

It is time to rebuild Oakland. No more band aids, no more money hand outs for projects that simply do not solve the problem.

Elon Musk has clearly demonstrated that with human ingenuity we can solve all problems. For example, his recent breakthrough with his team resulted in a heavy rocket return safely to the launch pad. This is why I am calling on other Elon Musk like thinkers to join me.

With an Investment Bank for Oakland we could have the resources to develop our Oakland, but that takes a great vision for the good and a dedication not to go along to get along.

Our children need a city which inspires them to do the good for future generations.

What I am saying is totally possible. Together, we can make this breakthrough happen in Oakland in our lifetime. A crash program for development and a clean up of crime. No one else running for Oakland City Council At Large has this vision.

Ask me any questions, let us have the dialogue and get the shovels in the ground rebuilding. This is the 21 Century and Oakland should be part of it.

Paid for by Pechenuk for Oakland City Council 2024 | FPPC #1469153
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