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I Will Put All On The Line To Save Oakland From Hell

WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 2024 3:19 PM

I Will Put All On The Line To Save Oakland From Hell

Press Release:

Mindy Pechenuk for Oakland City Council at Large

         July 1, 2024

 "I  Will Put All on the Line to Save Oakland From Hell."

  "Just a short glance at recent headlines and media reports shows what all residents and visitors have experienced with their own eyes and ears over the last few years in Oakland.  There is no escaping  the fact that the City is Oakland  is ' A  Living Hell for All Who Live Here'" : 

-Oakland Corruption Scandal: Democrat Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and Government Officials Allegedly Funded by Sex Trafficking Drug Ring (Gateway Pundit) 

-Andy Duong, a key member of the Duong family and the self-proclaimed proprietor of the now-defunct Music Cafe, is accused of using the cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation. This establishment, which also functioned as a karaoke lounge, was linked by state authorities to drug dealing, pimping, and human trafficking before its closure in early 2019, the Mercury News reported. (Mercury News) 

My Record Stands

I said it before when I ran in the March 5, 2024 Primary for State Assembly #18 against Mia Bonta. This destruction of Oakland and California is deliberate and intentional and enough is enough. Now the truth is starting to come out. Join my campaign for strong leadership. Join with Donald J. Trump for President, so we can have a Federal Government we can work with. 

Time to shut down the offshore markets and these drug cartels, human traffickers.

Time to clean out the cartels from California.

Time to clean out  Oakland City Council and other elected officials who are going along with the " Pay to Play" schemes and destroying our Oakland.

Check out my video from my State Assembly #18 Campaign!

Paid for by Pechenuk for City Council 2024. FPPC # 1469153


Paid for by Pechenuk for Oakland City Council 2024 | FPPC #1469153
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