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October 7, 2024
| Ballots mailed to all registered voters in California
October 26, 2024 | Alameda County  11-Day Vote Centers Open
November 2, 2024  | Alameda County  4-Day Vote Centers Open

November 5, 2024 | Election Day

We urge you to value your vote the way you value your voice... your right to speak freely. Make time on Election Day to cast your ballot in person, on paper. You deserve it.

Election Code 3016.5 lets you bring your Vote By Mail ballot to the Vote Center, check in, and drop it in the "In Person" trolley. No need for signature verification since you validate your ballot at the Vote Center!

Convert Your Mail Ballot to an In-Person Vote and Make It Count Today!

Register to vote.

Paid for by Pechenuk for Oakland City Council 2024 | FPPC #1469153
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