Stop Our Tax Dollars From Supporting Illegals!
Press Release, from Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large 2024
August 30, 2024
Stop Our Tax Dollars From Supporting Illegals!
My fellow Oaklanders cannot afford groceries, gas, homes and a good education for their children. While our disabled citizens, our Veterans and others suffer, the California Assembly passes AB 1840 to allow illegals to get homes at your expense!
The Assembly voted to give illegal immigrants free down payment assistance (up to $150,000) to buy a new home. Keep in mind the illegals are provided with free health care and free college tutition. This needs to be stopped.
This is why I am running for Oakland City Council At Large to bring down inflation, bring industry, manufacturing and support our local businesses. The way you run an economy is grow your new production and ensure our existing business can expand. I want to bring more commerce to our Oakland Port.
This is why I am supporting Donald J. Trump for President in 2024. We need a President in the White House who will work with us to make Oakland Safe and Productive Again.
For more information contact: info@electmindy.com
FPPC# 1469153
Mindy Pechenuk